Current status2017
Short term status2013 - 2017
Long term status2008 - 2017

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Chart A.3.ii. Number of school and community attendees at NPWS Education Centres

The data are compiled from the NPWS Education Centres at nine locations across Ireland.  NPWS education programs aim to:

i) promote the awareness, knowledge and appreciation of native flora, fauna and their habitats

ii) foster individual and collective responsibility for the welfare and conservation of our natural heritage.

iii) provide information and advice on environmental issues.

NPWS Education staff provide a range of programmes for primary and secondary schools that reflect the above aims as well as supporting existing curricula of the Department of Education and Science.  Programme activities vary across centres and seasons but typically include field studies and skills in a variety of habitats, investigative experiments and follow-up projects.  The centres are also involved in a variety of events aimed at local and regional levels including schools, outreach programmes, public walks and talks, family days, exhibitions and open days.


More information on the NPWS Education Centres can be found here:


Number of school and community attendees at NPWS Education Centres

The National Parks and Wildlife Service runs nine education centres around the country, and run a range of schools programmes that include field studies in a variety of habitats using specialist equipment, investigative experiments and related activities such as completion of worksheets and follow up projects. In addition, the education officers provide a wide variety of events and activities at local and regional level including schools outreach programmes, public walks and talks, family days, exhibitions and open days.

Created: 2014-03-07 08:40:46 | Updated: 2019-05-17 12:54:21